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Dynamic Forms for SharePoint Online


Dynamic Forms
For Microsoft 365

Out-of-the-box SharePoint forms may not always be the best solution for businesses, depending on their specific needs and requirements having basic and not many customization options.

Our Dynamic Forms is based on the latest SharePoint Framework(SPFx) allows you to create forms for all use cases automatically.
The Dynamic Form is particularly useful when you have a type of form whose content must change frequently to meet rapidly changing business and regulatory requirements.
Dynamic Form Installation Guide Our Pricing

Dont work hard, work smart. Let automation take over

Commenting Feature

Add and reply to comments in list items. Use @mention in comments to tag someone. Send notifications accordingly.

New and Existing list

Full liberty to create a dynamic form with multiple types of fields for your form based on your business requirements. Forms auto generated based on your existing SharePoint list. No need to write any custom traditional code.

Dynamic approvals

Set up conditional logic flows based on responses collected in Dynamic Forms. Easy to configure and setup your business process automation for multiple levels of approvals. To have more flexibility and customize requirements, kindly get in touch with us.

Conditional Form setup

Adapt your Dynamic forms to hide/show conditional questions based on your form responses.

Dynamic Form Installation Guide

Great Features Of Dynamic Forms

Choose the price that fits your needs

Please Note :

  • You can start with any package.
  • Credits are carried forward to the next billing cycle which is 1 year
  • There are no refunds provided
  • 1 Credit counts when you make a new item submission/creation. Edits or approvals not counted.

What are our customers say about "Dynamic Forms "

Some Word from Our Happy Clients “Smiley”

Frequently Asked Questions

The dynamic form is supported on SharePoint Online or Microsoft 365 and SharePoint 2019, 2016

It’s an enhanced alternative to SharePoint list form with extra productive features. It is majorly useful when you have a type of form whose content must change frequently to meet rapidly changing business and regulatory requirements.

  1. It gives you an option to work with your existing SharePoint list or you can create a new SharePoint list and the fields will be populated..
  2. It also allows you to show/hide columns in the form based on conditions and validation rules.
  3. It also allows you to choose the form fields and mark them disabled in Edit mode.
  4. It allows the user to provide comments to a SharePoint list data.
  5. It allows users to collect approvals from different teams
  6. It sends notifications for requests creation and approvals

It supports all the fields provided by SharePoint List

Single Line of TextMultiple Lines of Text
Single ChoiceNumber
CurrencyDate and Time
Person or GroupHyperlink or Picture
Task OutcomeExternal Data
Managed Metadata 

All the data for items/approvals is stored on your own Microsoft 365 tenant.

All the data for items/approvals is stored on your own Microsoft 365 tenant.

Yes, it can be altered to meet any custom business functionality. Please get in touch with us to help you meet your custom requirements.

Anyone who has access to the SharePoint list and the SharePoint page where the Dynamic forms were configured, can access the form. The form will not load or be accessible to any user who do not have permission on the site or the SharePoint list/site page.

The add-in will be available soon in MS Teams. Get in touch with us to know more about the same.

  • For your query about using a single license in test / production environment, please note the following points:
  1. If you have any questions please feel to contact us via this email channel or a direct call to our US helpline number @ +1 360 2444 330


GDPR Compliance & IT Security

CONAIS offers fully GDRP compliant data protection and top-level IT security covering all contingencies.

Secure Hosting in Microsoft Azure

Redundancy by hosting in two different Microsoft data centres. Hosting in Microsoft Azure means profiting from default compliance and security controls (Azure CIS, SOC TSP, PCI DSS, ISO 27001 etc.).

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